Spray Foam Insulation & Energy Cost Reduction

How Spray Foam Insulation Helps Reduce Energy Bills

One easily overlooked aspect of spray foam insulation is the fact that it can actually lead to a reduction in energy use, which cuts your overall costs over time! In this article, we address the ways in which spray foam insulation can reduce your energy bills and promote energy efficiency, saving you time, effort, and money.

How It Works

Spray foam insulation is a sealant that prevents air from leaking in OR out of a structure. As a result, the temperature inside is far easier to regulate than with other types of insulation. For example, if you had a home insulated with spray foam, because of the efficiency of the air-seal, your air conditioning would be quicker to cool off your home and keep it at the temperature set by the thermostat.

Without hot summer air entering your home and competing with your AC or your AC leaking out through weaker forms of insulation, your AC system won’t have to work nearly as hard, thus lowering your energy bills even in the months it’s known to spike due to extreme temperatures, as well as giving your system the best chance at a long lifespan. 

How You Save

Because spray foam insulation is higher in R-Value than other insulation forms, it can be more costly upfront (read more about R-Value here). However, the higher the R-value, the more efficient the insulation. 

Overall, the cost balances out with the benefits offered by spray foam insulation and the protection it affords your structures as a whole. Without disturbances like major temperature fluctuations, maintenance costs on your structure decrease because spray foam insulation supports the integrity of the building, as well as the equipment inside.

Ready for Energy Savings?

You can see how spray foam insulation quickly pays for itself, flipping the cost difference between spray foam insulation and less expensive (but less efficient) forms of insulation on its head in the long run! You have nothing to lose, but all the energy and savings to gain. 

If you have any questions for us or are ready to get a free estimate, contact Capital Foam Systems today!